Responsibility and carbon neutrality
MuotoMyrsky is intended to be carbon neutral as soon as possible and to take possible emissions into account in its own operations and choices. Service design and concept design are intangible aspects of design. The services use a wide variety of digital tools and platforms. The workis done face to face in workshops and meetings, which means traveling. In workshops can also use materials, workshop posters, and note-taking tools.
So there aren’t a lot of emissions from a design consulting firm, but you can’t ignore them either?
MuotoMyrsky wants to be involved in helping to solve devilish problems. Already, existing customers have many different needs to be making solutions that are sustainable in terms of the environment, biodiversity and social equality. It is also good to be the one who demands responsible choices from partners as well as customers and suppliers.
So there’s a good reason to look inside your company, and be street-credible, as well as understand the emissions and depreciation of your operations. At the same time, you can bring this awareness to other companies.
It is true that the choices and actions of big companies have a much greater impact on reducing emissions, but everyone, including us small companies, has a responsibility for the future.